Mikasa & IKF A Shared Vision

The partnership between Mikasa Sports and the International Korfball Federation (IKF) is not just about providing high-quality equipment for korfball matches. It is about a shared vision of developing korfball as a sport at all levels – from top-tier competitive play to recreational sports and children’s activities.

Korfball is a unique sport that promotes inclusivity and teamwork. It is a game played by people of all ages and skill levels. By providing top-quality equipment like the MIKASA K5, the official ball of the IKF, Mikasa Sports is helping to ensure that players at all levels have the best possible experience when playing korfball.

Ambitious Standards of Athletes

For top-tier athletes, the quality of the equipment they use can make a significant difference in their performance. The MIKASA K5 is designed to meet the ambitious standards of these athletes, providing them with a ball that performs consistently in all conditions.

At the recreational level, the partnership between Mikasa Sports and the IKF helps to make korfball more accessible to a wider audience. By ensuring that high-quality equipment is available globally, they are helping to encourage more people to start the sport.

Supporting Growth and Development

For children, korfball can be a fun and engaging way to stay active and learn important skills like teamwork and coordination.

The support of Mikasa Sports in providing equipment for children’s korfball activities helps to ensure that the next generation of players can fall in love with the sport.

In conclusion, the partnership between Mikasa Sports and the IKF is about more than just providing equipment. It’s about supporting the growth and development of korfball at all levels and helping to ensure that the sport continues to thrive in the future.

They are looking forward to many more years of collaboration and are excited to see how their partnership will continue to benefit the sport of korfball.